Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 2: Keep that Morale up!

The hardest part of this whole surgery is keeping your morale up. It's certainly very hard when your face is swollen and bruised, the sleep is horrendous and your stuck on a liquid diet for a few days. This morning I woke around quarter to 7. I was in such a horrible mood. My jaw hurt mostly on my right side as I've been getting the feeling back there quicker than the left side and the muscles spasms are a total b*tch. I felt myself whining for a couple of minutes and said I cannot start my day like this because the rest of the day will be the same. So I got up took a walk around my house, took my anbiotic (which just reminded me I haven't taken my 4 o'clock yet) grabbed some ice and put on the tv. After a couple of minutes I finally found a comfortable enough position to fall back to sleep and was out till about 11. I was beyond thrilled to get 3 hours in.
Afterward my day was just pretty relaxed for the most part. My childhood friend came up from NC yesterday and came by the house today to surprise my family. That really upped my morale as the last time I saw her was in February for a day when I was in NC for another friends wedding. The weather was beautiful so me her, my twin, my older sister, her friend and my niece all took a walk around the block. Of course I wrapped a scarf around my face and through glasses on. (I almost felt like a celebrity in hiding)
The walk felt great as it got my blood flowing, however when we got home I started feeling lousy. I thought perhaps I was hungry as I haven't eaten yet today. Drank about half a pediasure and just felt even worse. So I decided a nap would be my best option. Again, a nap is always the best option. Found another good position were I can lie slightly on my side with slight pressure on my jaw to prevent it from hanging and got a good hour nap in. Now my mommy is making me the broth from the ramen noodles just so I can have something slightly heavier in my stomach in hopes the antibiotics won't upset my stomach again.

I have to say I find my swelling and bruising to actually be less than yesterday. My bottom lip is almost down to size and the only thing thats really tingling and uncomfortable is my lip and chin. Everything else feels good.
My best offer on here to give you guys is to use that ice. Ice as much as you can b/c I really believe that is what helping the swelling. I had the ice on for literally the whole day of the surgery and then the next day and today whenever I was not napping I would have ice on for 20 min off for 10 for about an hour. Also that jaw bra you get when you come out of surgery. Keep that on hand. I was only told I needed to wear it for at least 24hrs after the surgery. It felt good to take off but at night when I slept I put it back on for the support and pressure over the swelling. I do believer that's helped my swelling a lot as well.  Gravity started taking in so the swelling is now all in my lower jaw and partially into my neck.

I also picked a very good weeked to keep my Morale up. I have had Doctor Who on allllll day and the newest episode starts at 8pm. Nothing can make this day better and tomorrow starts the newest season of Game of Thrones I know I am set for the weekend. Just curious how I will feel by Monday, but we'll see when that day comes.


  1. Congrats on being post-op, Laura! I agree with you 100% about the ice! I iced my face CONSTANTLY the first 7 days with the jaw bra, and also felt like it really helped with the swelling (and pain). Take it easy these first few days. Wishing you an smooth recovery.

  2. It's so hard to take it easy because of course I just want to be better and back on my feet. But I also know that I cannot over do it so I'm enjoying the fact that I actually have an excuse to lie in bed all day =)
