Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bottom Braces and Expander

So today was the day I got my bottom braces on and palette expander in. I don't know why but I was sooo nervous. I was afraid of the brackets hurting and the expander being so bulky that I couldn't even talk. Much to my surprise when I got into the orthodontist office and they showed me the expander and it was this measly looking thing. And to think that I was so intimidated by it, ha! Anyways, my ortho put the expander in and it went in easily but snug. After that he took it out and cemented it in and then came the bottom braces. They went on quick with no issues and they feel pretty good. For now. Once they start shifting I'm going to a cranky baby. =/
I now just have to go to a pre surgical appointment with my surgeon and discuss exactly what will happen and how my mom should take care of me after the procedure. Then I have I my pre-surgical testing at the Hospital on Friday and finally my medical clearance appointment with my primary care physician. I can't wait for all the appointments to be over and I'm in the hospital getting the surgery done. I'm still beyond excited about the whole thing and I hope my nerves stay away.

So here are two pictures.

Wonderful zigzag pattern. Doesn't it look lovely!?

And the measly looking expander that I thought was going to be a huge discomfort and annoyance..

countdown: 9 days

A couple of minutes after writing this post and saying things aren't so bad. I kinda take it back. I can't believe all the built of saliva that is happening.. That's probably going to be the most annoying thing. I have to constantly swallow and that alone is kind of a task within itself because my tongue does not hit the top of my mouth. =/

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