Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Finally got some Before Pictures.

Here's a front view. Kind of hard to tell but as you can see or more or less cannot see, is my bottom teeth. They are behind the front teeth. And I'm just gonna say its the angle of the camera but my face looks crooked =/

Here's a side view. My least favorite view. I don't like when people snap pictures and its my side view. It's just not pretty looking. It's like I'm completely missing the row of bottom teeth. But with this angle you can obviously see the over bite a bit more. What I don't like mostly about this angle is that everything is just so sharp looking, my side view does not have a smooth looking flow to you.

Here's a view of just my teeth. My teeth do not line up like that, I had to move my jaw forward so I can show you all my teeth. Again, they aren't that bad looking and it seems that braces would fix my problem. They would only straighten them and then unfortunetly I'd still have a narrow palette and a set back jaw. =/

Not really a pretty picture, but i just wanted to show how narrow my palette is and as to why I have to get a palette expander. You can also see how my top front teeth are on at the right angle. They seem to jet out and come almost to a point.

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